Cite Phil’s Leadership on Law Enforcement Issues and Commitment to Public Safety
“The Vermont Police Association is pleased to endorse Lieutenant Governor Phil Scott for office of Governor of the State of Vermont. During Mr. Scott’s years of public service as Senator and Lt. Governor, he has demonstrated a true commitment to public safety legislation serving Vermont’s best interest. Lt. Governor Scott fully understands the challenges posed by the array of public safety issues Vermont must address. The Vermont Police Association believes that Mr. Scott can be relied upon to address those issues.
“The Vermont Police Association also values Lt. Governor Scott’s longstanding support of Vermont’s law enforcement and public safety community. Lt. Governor Scott understands the day to day challenges and demands of our jobs, the importance of maintaining high professional standards and the need to maintain positive relationships with our communities. We trust that Lt. Governor Scott will strike the right balance to the extent those interests ever compete and that he will do so in service of the best interests of Vermont.
“Finally, our endorsement is also grounded in Lt. Governor Scott’s admirable track record of considerate leadership. Lt. Governor Scott is a thoughtful and inquisitive public servant genuinely interested in understanding varying perspectives of an issue before taking a position. Lt. Governor Scott recognizes that strong leadership begins with a willingness to listen with an open mind and the temperament that make others feel invited and welcome to the table. For this reason, the Vermont Police Association believes Lt. Governor Scott will always give full and fair consideration of law enforcement’s concerns as he undertakes to decide what he believes is the right thing to do for Vermont.
“Vermont is facing some significant challenges such as the opiate crisis, domestic violence, gun control, immigration issues, mental health and fair and impartial policing. We endorse Lt. Governor Scott because we believe he has the qualities to best represent Vermont and work collaboratively with Vermont’s law enforcement community, community leaders, lawmakers and our fellow citizens in addressing those issues.”
George P. Merkel
President of the Vermont Police Association